FAQ Page

Cingularis is a “parent” company to two fantastic businesses who serve multi-location organizations: Mountain Path Solutions LLC for telecom/call center/cyberseucrity and Tech-y Digital Marketing LLC for digital marketing. In the end, we offer all of the digital services you need to operation your business efficiently AS ONE — Cingularis.

We believe in and operate according to the principles of Conscious Capitalism. That means we focus on creating value for all of our stakeholders, not shareholders. That includes our clients, contractors, suppliers, partners, and other members of our network.

It’s easy, and we do all the work. Sort of. We help you identify opportunities to utilize technology — communications and marketing — to improve your business. When we do that, you and your team are able to focus on what you do best — doing good and making the world a better place. We are a brokerage, representing the very best on available service providers.

Our Referral Program honors the trust you place in us by offering a generous token of appreciation for referrals that evolve into successful partnerships — i.e. cold hard cash! While we celebrate every successful connection with a reward, we fully respect preferences or policies regarding acceptance, prioritizing gratitude and mutual growth above all. In the end, our goal is to make you look good to your connection and to thank you for thinking of us. Try it out now.

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